Online Make-Up


Step  1.   Scroll down, then click on and watch one of the videos.
Step  2.  After watching the video in its entirety, complete the “Make-Up Acknowledgement Form” (below) to ensure that you receive credit.  Confirmation of your online make-up will be emailed directly to our Club’s Executive Secretary.
Step 3. You will then be taken to a separate page which will allow you to make a donation towards your online make-up.
NOTE:  all donations from online make-ups will go directly to the Rotary Club of Lancaster Foundation.   (If you are not a Rotary Club of Lancaster member, please consult with your our own club to determine if this make-up will count).

Make-Up Acknowledgement Form

  • Please provide one interesting thing that you learned from the video or any comments
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    What date are you using this make-up credit towards? If no date is provided you will be given a make-up for the last meeting missed. NOTE: If you are "banking" a make-up, please omit selecting a date - instead, fill-out the "Additional Information" section below and say that you are "banking" a make-up.
  • If you are "banking" a make-up, or if you need to communicate any other information to the Club about this make-up, please communicate that information here.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Additional Speaker Videos are available on the Rotary Club of Lancaster’s YouTube Channel by clicking here.